Client Name: Antigua Peninsula Property
Industry Sector: 
Property & Building
Website URL:
Key Features:

  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • Top 10 Google Positioning
  • Fully bespoke website design

Synopsis:This site is a great example of how managing budgets correctly can get great results!

Although the client needed to have a professionally designed website, they knew the importance of search engine positioning and we agreed that to get the best results, the website had to communicate effectively but also had to be found on Google and other major search engines.

The website designing company set about creating a site that effectively communicated what the client had to offer - some fantastic opportunities to purchase development land in the Peninsula locality of Antigua. But more importantly, the company implemented a highly effective search engine optimisation campaign to gain high ranking on Google's natural listings under key search terms relating to the businesses activities.

"First class job. Excellent website design. We are high on search engine results and enquiries are coming in steadily. Most satisfied"
Don Ward, Antigua Peninsula Property