Client Name: Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust
Industry Sector: 
Charities & Trusts
Website URL:
Key Features:

  • Fully integrated CMS system
  • Integrated HTML Templates
  • XHTML 1.0 compliant
  • Developed on PHP & MySQL

Synopsis:Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust was formed in 1998 following the merger of Crawley, Horsham and East Surrey NHS Trusts. It spends over £150m of taxpayers' money to provide over 400,000 treatments each year across eastern Surrey and north-west Sussex.

Over 2,500 people work for the Trust and to help bolster their recruitment drive, a website designing company was asked to develop a functional and effective recruitment website, based on our existing content management technology MediaManager. Time was a major factor as the site had to be developed by the beginning of 2009, with only a four week time line available to our team to get the project rolled out from commencement to finish.

However with an existing recruitment systems in place, the company was quickly and easily able to implement an appropriate system well within budget and timecales which meant that the Trust were able to add and edit the job vacancy details well in advance of the launch date. With the site launched early in January, it is already attracting large volumes of applications which are being filtered directly to the NHS's central recruitment system.