Client Name: HESS
Industry Sector: 
Oil, Gas & Engineering
Key Features:

  • Password protected extranet
  • XHTML 1.0 compliant
  • Full Content Management System
  • Developed on PHP & MySQL

Synopsis:HESS are a leading global independent energy company, engaged in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas, as well as in refining and in marketing refined petroleum products, natural gas, and electricity.

Like many large organisations, they are continually in the process of recruiting staff across the world in an effort to spread their global footprint yet do not have any standardised methods or templates from which their dedicated HR departments can use as a means to get the right people, using the right resources in a local way.

A website designing company was asked to create and develop a password protected extranet that would act as a recruitment toolkit featuring a simple set of step-by-step recruitment resources and downloads to follow, which would effectively enable each local human resources department to seek the right staff in the right way.

This information would range from how to attract candidates, where to advertise, managing the responses and following through on appropriate applicants.

The finished application the company developed features a fully content manageable system where each of these resources can be maintained and updated but more importantly, the site now acts as a central hub to ensure all HR staff follow the same principles in attracting new recruits to the ranks.